Friday, June 03, 2011

Grapevine dan Buffered Earning (BE) - Saya Tanya, Nuffnang Jawab

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang

Assalamualaikum... Okeh berikut tiket yang saya pernah hantar kepada Nuffnang sebab ada perkara yang saya kurang jelas. Mana tau ada di luar sana yang punya persoalan serupa dengan saya, maka saya kongsikan jawapan dari Nuffnang. Maaf tiket saya hantar dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan jawapan juga dalam bahasa yang sama. Jadi, bagi memudahkan kamu untuk memahaminya dalam Bahasa Melayu, kamu boleh translate menggunakan khidmat Google Translate okeh. Kamu cuma perlu copy and paste perenggan di bawah pada kotak yang disediakan, kemudian klik 'Translate'.

Jawapan dari Nuffnang boleh tahan jugaklah panjangnya. Saya pun hanya baca sepintas lalu. Belum betul-betul memahami segala istilah-istilah Nuffnang mereka tu. Nanti lain kali ada masa saya cuba fahami betul-betul. Saya agak lembab jugak pasal benda alah ni. Huhuhuhu...


Good day. My questions are as follow:

1. I'm not really understand how to make the grapevine works on my blog. Do I need to install any widget for the grapevine? I already read about grapevine on churp churp on how to use it, but they don't mentioned about how to install or how to place the grapevine into the blog.

2. When a campaign running on my blog, is that means I will automatically received the BE for the campaign?! Because I noticed since last two weeks, I received several difference campaigns running on my blog, but when I checked my BE, the campaigns name were not listed on my BE schedule.

Thank you in advance for your time answering my questions.


As for question number 1, as shared in Nuffnang blog entry, Grapevine is a revolutionary new extension to the Nuffnang Skyscraper ad unit, which allows you to share great news on your social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook and others. However, kindly be informed that the Grapevine extension will only appear on selected CPC/CPM campaigns that the Advertisers have agreed to purchase. As such, there is no code needed for Grapevine, as it will appear on your Skyscraper ad unit if your blog is selected for CPC/CPM campaigns involving the Grapevine.

As for question number 2, actually you're referring to CPM campaigns, not Buffered Earnings. Buffered Earnings, Metered Earnings, etc are merely terms for CPM campaigns.

Now, in order for you to get a column for "Buffered Earning" in your "Earnings", you will first need to be selected by the advertisers to do CPM campaigns for them. There are several factors that would determine your chances of being selected for CPM campaigns.

As advertisers always have a target audience for their campaigns to address to, they will choose blogs with suitable blog readers as their target audience. Should your blog readers fall into that category, rest assure that you're very likely to be picked by them. Many bloggers who do not fill in their blog surveys properly may find themselves not receiving ad campaigns from advertisers frequently. This is due to the fact that the survey actually helps advertisers know the bloggers' blogs better. Blogs registered without completed surveys are often ignored by advertisers as they do not know if your blog's reach is suitable for their campaign or not. As such, we highly recommend for you to ensure that all your blogs' surveys are filled and updated from time to time.

Desirability of ad placement is crucial in the advertising industry. Advertisers spend a lot of money to design an ad and buy ad space. They want to get their message across to their target audience as effectively as they could. This being said, they will always buy ad spaces which are optimized and desirably placed. Just ensure that your ad units are at their intended place and this factor would be satisfied in the eyes of the advertisers. A Skyscraper ad unit is supposed to be the first element of the sidebar and not anywhere else. The same goes for Leaderboard as the first visible element upon visitor's entry to the site and Large Rectangle right after your first blog post. Should your blog's ad units not be located at these placements, it would severely affect advertisers' decision to advertise on your blog as there are plenty of other blogs under our network with perfect placement of the ad unit.

In addition, availability of ad units plays an important role for bloggers to be chosen for campaigns as well. All our advertisers split their budget evenly across all our 3 ad units, Leaderboard, Skyscraper and Large Rectangle whenever they advertise with us. That being said, the budget would be limited and might not be able to cover that many blogs for a particular ad unit. If your blog have all 3 ad units in it, your chances of being selected for campaigns would be fully maximized.

Membership exclusivity plays a part in advertisement campaigns as our advertisers tend to advertise more on Glitterati blogs as it is part of our reward program to our most loyal bloggers in the region. Ordinary members will still be selected for campaigns but in a lower number compared to Glitterati's.

We'll do our best to sell the ad units of our bloggers as long as they're optimized and within our protocols. If the ad units are not optimized or they're not in the best interest for the advertisers, we cannot defile the practice of our company's policies and have our advertisers advertise on blogs which do not yield the best results for their campaigns. I hope that you will understand that it is important for advertisers to achieve satisfactory results for their campaigns in order for them to advertise more on blogs.

Therefore, you need to make sure you take all the necessary actions to increase your chance to get noticed, such as updating your blog regularly, place your ad units at the right place in order for them to get noticed by the advertisers, and etc. If you're lucky, and the Advertisers chooses you for their CPM campaign, then there's a good chance for you to have some figures in your "Buffered Earning" column!

Hope this helps ;)

Anne Cheah
Blogger Relations
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd


  1. kalau hantar tiket dlm B. Melayu pun nuffnang akan reply dlm english jugak.. kekekeke. Apapun pasal BE tu penjelasan yg sama jugak.

  2. Lekat Lekit - dorang tu dah ada skema jawapan untuk setiap keyword yang orang tanya... keh3! main copy paste jer la jawapan dorang. jenuh la nak menaip balik jawapan yang sama setiap kli org tanya... hik3! kira ok la tu, dorang jawab, dr tak jwb lgsg. puji gak sikap dorang tu yang bg respond sangat cepat. setakat ni tiket yang pernah saya hantar, semuanya mereka jawap pada hari yang sama.

  3. Tapi jawapan yang diberikan kat saya dulu pendek je .. jeles lak dapat jawapan gini panjang. Apapun intipati tetap sama .. mana2 blogger awal yang 'bermain' dengan Nuff dah cerita dah ... :)

    Btw .. this is a useful info for those who are seeking on how to manipulate ads by Nuffnang.

  4. Salam.. saya pun harap dapat B.E dari Nuffnang.. baru je sebulan join Nuffnang.

    Dah tukar domain.. selamat tinggal blogspot


Pastikan komen ditulis dengan berBUDI BAHASA dan menggunakan AKAL YANG WARAS. Sebarang komen yang dirasakan tidak berSOPAN SANTUN, tidak akan diluluskan untuk paparan. Pemilik blog mempunyai HAK MUTLAK sama ada untuk meluluskan atau tidak komen yang dihantar di sini. Sekian terima kasih.